If there are any comments, questions or concerns, please feel free to connect with us.
The ICWA is constantly growing and trying to reach as many people in need as possible. The Icwa deals with education, integration into society, as well as career counselling, primarily dealing with immigrants and refugees. As the organization expands its services to more communities across the city, so does its need for volunteers willing to lend a hand. From organizing and hosting events to communicating and meeting the community they also get to build connections and gain a better understanding of the world. The Indo-Canadian Women’s Association provides ESL classes to aid in the language barrier and provides workshops to build connections and help individuals integrate into society.
Volunteers are always needed in non-profit organizations like ours, as we hope to make a change and help those in need. If interested contact us at 780-490-0477 or email us at info@icwaedmonton.org.
Join ICWA today to fulfill our mission of equality, opportunity and the protection of rights. Our members are provided access to exclusive opportunities.
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