How does the practice of dowry pose a threat to women? The practice of Dowry is yet another symbol of the devalued status of women in parts of the world. In certain communities there is the belief that the low status of girls has to be compensated for through payment of a dowry, by the […]
Forced Marriages Cultural
What are Forced Marriages? Forced marriage is a practice recognized at the international level as a violation of human rights 1. Forced marriage is strictly prohibited under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1984 which emphasizes the right to ‘free and full consent in marriage’ going further to define certain forms of forced marriage as […]
Preference For A Male Child
What Is Preference For A Male Child? Son preference refers to an attitude founded on the belief that girls are inadequate and of lesser value than boys. As a major form of gender discrimination, it can give way to an array of practices harmful to girls and women. For instance, neglect of the girl child […]
Harmful Cultural Practices
Our Latest Projects Violence against women can be perpetrated through a variety of means. It can manifest itself through physical, emotional, mental, or financial abuses that aim to reduce the status of women within their household and societies. A number of harmful cultural practices exist that inflict damage upon the wellbeing of women, spanning from […]
Forced Marriages
What are Forced Marriages? Forced marriage is a practice recognized at the international level as a violation of human rights 1. Forced marriage is strictly prohibited under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1984 which emphasizes the right to ‘free and full consent in marriage’ going further to define certain forms of forced marriage as […]
Honour-based Violence
What Is ICWA Doing To Help? Our mission at the ICWA is to protect women of all ethnic, religious, and cultural origins from practices that place them in harm’s way. In 2011, the ICWA launched a project funded by the Status of Women called… that aims to bring an end to harmful cultural practices that […]